The hotel used by Boot Camp Marbella has been receiving excellent ratings on Tripadvisor. Out of the 126 reviews on the site, 48 were “excellent” and another 50 were rated as “very good”.
The hotel used by Boot Camp Marbella has been receiving excellent ratings on Tripadvisor. Out of the 126 reviews on the site, 48 were “excellent” and another 50 were rated as “very good”. Boot Camp Marbella is pleased with this feedback as this shows we have chosen the right location to accommodate our clients over on a fitness holiday. The reviews especially praise the immaculate spa and the clean and spacious rooms.
The hotel is located only 200 meters from the beach and is walking distance to the gym facilities used by Boot Camp Marbella. We as a fitness holiday company do not use the food and beverage service of the hotel as we offer tailor made healthy and clean food.